White coat ceremony of batch 23-24
Gandhi jayanti 2023
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Why Choose Nursing

Nurses Make a Real Difference
As a nurse, you can make a real difference in someone’s life. You can offer hope to people, sometimes during the worst time of their life.

Nurses Have a High Level of Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction and career satisfaction are different. The first measures satisfaction with a specific job, while the second measures satisfaction with your career choice.

Nursing Is a Respected Field
Nurses are a vital part of delivering healthcare in many different settings. You can choose from over 100 different types of nursing specialties, which means you’ll likely never be bored.

Know More About Our BSc Nursing College
The college is committed to balanced pursuit of excellent teaching, significant research and community service. Our attractive, contemporary campus has been designed to create the best possible learning environment for students and staff. The campus provides not just space for people to learn but also meet their human needs to talk, recharge and also to have fun.
- Modern Interaction :- Modern education is a dynamic way of learning enabling students to learn a lot faster.
- Complete Facilities :- The learning of students will be fostered with the help of world-class amenities in college.

We Provide High Quality Nursing Education